Orban calls to “occupy Brussels”, calling the EU a “source of destruction”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has criticized the “Western world” and called for help to “occupy Brussels” in this summer’s European Parliament elections.

Orban’s speech was delivered on the occasion of the anniversary of the Hungarian revolution of 1848 against the Habsburgs, AP reports.

The Hungarian Prime Minister drew a sharp contrast between his country and the “Western world,” accusing the latter of being a source of unculture and destruction.

“They start wars, destroy worlds, redraw borders, and graze on everything like locusts. We Hungarians live differently and want to live differently,” Orban argued.

The agency noted that Orban’s address came less than three months before the European elections, which are expected to show a surge of far-right parties that share many of the Hungarian politician’s key positions.

“Brussels is not the first empire to set its sights on Hungary. People in Europe today are afraid that Brussels will take away their freedom. If we want to preserve Hungary’s freedom and sovereignty, we have no choice; we must occupy Brussels,” Orban emphasized.

In his speech, the nationalist leader also stated Hungary’s radical position on migration and LGBT rights.

Earlier, Viktor Orban called Ukraine a “financially non-existent state.” He said that Ukraine pays pensions and salaries only thanks to funds provided by the EU, including Hungary. He regularly opposed the EU’s military aid to Ukraine to help the country repel Russian war aggression.

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