Belarus’ military industrial complex: joint responsibility for Russia’s war

The post-Soviet majority of the society of citizens of Belarus does not show any national self-awareness or self-identity. These citizens identify themselves as “Soviet people.” At the same time, less than 8% of this population approves of the absorption of Belarus by Russia. 

It means that not all Belarusians are ready to wake up as sub-Russians, who they will immediately become after the official completion of the absorption process. Nevertheless, the level of perception of the surrounding reality for these people ends with the phrase, “It does not matter whether to write the word “sausage” in Russian or Belarusian; the presence of sausage on my table is the only thing that matters.” 

However, they are unable to look further and realize that their hands are up to their elbows in the blood of Ukrainians, Syrians, Georgians, Chechens, and other peoples attacked by the Russian Federation. Belarusians do not understand that they are accomplices in war crimes.

Therefore, plants and factories, which operate every day, are practically the ultimate dream for these people. Let the enterprises manufacture products for the destruction of Ukraine by Russia, as long as their employees obtain wages and do not have to worry about how to earn a living. 

Alas, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, the countries of slavery and serfdom, instilled in several generations of Belarusians such a behavioral model. The people who form the electorate of the leader who seized power in the country and initiated the process of internal occupation and denazification of the Belarusian people are the basis of this situation. Now he has led the country into an external occupation.

Many Belarusians working at defense industry enterprises believe that they are providing well for their families and that the enterprises are functioning effectively. They also have a positive view of attributing the orders for their factories to the merits of their president and the factory management.

However, they fail to  understand that their factories contribute to the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, which is responsible for many bloody wars and invasions.

As it is known, the military-industrial complex of Moscow cooperates with 120 Belarusian factories and design bureaus on 1,600 types of military-technical products, and 940 Russian enterprises supply 67 enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Belarus with about 4,000 types of products. Both “allied countries” rightly believe that “cooperation in the military sphere is an example of the most successful interaction.”

The Kremlin has successfully turned Belarus into an appendage of its military-industrial complex. Belarusian-qualified specialists are actively involved in the development, partial production, and maintenance of Russian weapons. Furthermore, they are actively introducing joint Russian-Belarusian service technical centers.

Individual plants of the Russian military-industrial complex directly set tasks for Belarusian defense industry enterprises. A few years ago, Belarusian enterprises primarily restored anti-aircraft missile systems and aviation equipment, while also establishing mobile centers for repairing Soviet- and Russian-made armored vehicles, exclusively focusing on equipment repair and restoration for the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union.

However, Moscow’s absorption of the Republic of Belarus has recently led to the launch of production for combat and reconnaissance drones, as well as unmanned helicopters. Enterprises are also involved in maintaining electronic weapons and producing individual components and commodities. They are already carrying out joint work on the modernization of weapons and military equipment.

The Russian Federation understood very clearly that it lacked design bureaus, effective factories, or qualified personnel who could come up with something innovative without cooperating with Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic states.

Russian factories have actually disassembled foreign samples that somehow ended up on the territory of the Russian Federation. Russia has not actually invented anything new in 30 years; some of these commodities are 100% copies, while others are modernized versions.

All this is either plagiarism, implying stupid copying of Western models, or Soviet developments inherited from the Soviet military-industrial complex, which, in fact, for the most part, are the same plagiarism, only more outdated.

Back in the first months of 2000, the Interstate Financial and Industrial Group (IFIG) “Defense Systems” was created, which included 5 Belarusian and 12 Russian enterprises. Collaboration with Belarus and its involvement in the joint Russian military-industrial complex under the guise of cooperation have today reached a global scale. This is not only about the RUP Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (now Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant OJSC (VOLAT), 2566 Radio-Electronic Armament Repair Plant JSC, Joint-Stock Savings Bank Belarusbank OJSC, and the financial bank Belarusbank СJSC.

It seems that there is cooperation between only several enterprises, but the list of enterprises, military warehouses, storage bases, arsenals, and banks can be continued with “innocent” organizations at first glance. The organizations involved in maintaining the Russian Armed Forces and its military-industrial complex are 140 Repair Plant OJSC, Volatavto OJSC, 558 Aircraft Repair Plant in Baranovichi, AGAT-Control Systems OJSC, and its subsidiaries Agat Electromechanical Plant OJSC and Agat-System OJSC, the enterprise Aktualnye Resheniya Bezopasnosti, the enterprise Alevkurp Research and Development OJSC, Group of Manufacturing Technologies and Aeronautical Engineering Aeromash CJSC, BelOMO Holding, which includes Minsk Mechanical Plant named after S.I. Vavilov OJSC, management company of BelOMO Holding, Unitary enterprise NTC LEMT BelOMO, Rogachevsk plant Diaproektor OJSC, Zenith-BelOMO OJSC, Zhlobinsk Plant Svet OJSC, OPTYK Plant OJSC, State-Owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise Belvneshpromservis, Armakorp LLC, Virtual Technology LLC, Beltechexport CJSC, State-Owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise Belspetsvneshtehnika, BSVT-NT LLC, Private Trade Unitary Enterprise WunderKabel, Dorelektromash LLC, Design Bureau Display, Innovation Center for Development Horizon, Integral OJSC and Integral Holding, Republican State-owned Manufacturing Unitary Enterprise Precise Electro-Mechanics Plant, Kidma Tech OJSC, Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant OJSC, Design Bureau Radar OJSC of Radar Systems Holding, Design Bureau Unmanned Helicopters LLC, Midivisana LLC, Equipment Factory Lost Camp, MNIPI OJSC, Minsk Research Institute of Radiomaterials OJSC, Scientific and Technical Center DELS OJSC, Republican Unitary Enterprise Research and Production Center of Multi-functional Unmanned Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, NOVA LLC, Research Institute of Electronic Computing Machinery OJSC (RIECM), Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Technical Center LEMT, Scientific and Manufacturing LLC OKB TSP, Defence Initiatives LLC, Peleng OJSC, SD Elektro OJSC, Republican Unitary Enterprise Special Communications, Radio Equipment OJSC, Planar OJSC, MAZ OJSC, managing company of BelAvtoMaz Holding, and even the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

In addition to products for the Ground Forces and Navy of the Russian Federation, Belarusian enterprises, namely the 558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC located in Baranovichi, manufacture commodities for the aviation industry. At the same time, the executive director of RSK MiG JSC does not hesitate to give orders to the executive director of 558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC.

However, the officials of the 558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC, turning to their colleagues from Ulyanovsk, Russia, subserviently “asked” these colleges “for instructions.” It does not seem that their relationships are equal. This is evidenced by leaked emails of Belarusian companies, shared by hacktivists that preferred not to be named.

To the director of the 558 Aircraft Repair Plant, Dear Pavel Ivanovich! To discuss pricing issues when repairing components for MiG-29 aircraft of a foreign customer 050, an employee of RSK MiG JSC, Alexander Dmitrievich Kamensky, was sent to your enterprise with passport # 45-19 658353 issued by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow on July 7, 2020. I ask for your instructions on issuing a pass for the specified specialist of the MiG Corporation to your enterprise on May 17, 2022. Managing Director, A.L. Gerasimchuk At the same time, all enterprises in the two countries have a very urgent need for foreign machines and materials because sanctions are still in effect, despite the liquidity of working with the toxic Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. 

Reference on the missing equipment and technological processes necessary for the production of parts and assembly units (PAU) 1. There is absolutely no possibility of manufacturing PAU due to the absence of:- equipment for the manufacture of parts from sheets (strips) using the constrained bending method;- stamping equipment (presses and dies);- equipment for molding a finished part from freshly hardened material;- high frequency current installations for heating and hardening parts after molding;-equipment for bending thin sheet materials;- equipment for performing vibration surface hardening in accordance with instructions 949-69 issued by the All-Russian Institute of Aviation Materials;- equipment for vibration abrasive processing;- equipment for performing chemical etching operations;- gear cutting equipment (equipment for making splines with their subsequent grinding);- equipment for rolling holes according to RTM-1294;- coordinate grinding machines;- profile grinding machines; The production of three-layer honeycomb panels requires premises (a dust-free working room, a working room with a ventilation system for installing equipment with an area of at least 400 m2) and specialized equipment (a refrigerator for storing prepregs, a heating cabinet with the ability to input and output vacuum hoses, a vacuum pump, a laser machine for cutting prepreg, and fabric blanks). 2. The available equipment allows us to perform work only on parts of limited sizes: – heat treatment of parts/blanks up to 2517x323x444 mm in size;- shot peening on parts in a chamber measuring 1000x300x200 mm;- production of large diameter pipelines (168.3×25, 244.5×40, 323.9×50, 406.4×65);- electroerosive machines for parts up to 725×560×215 mm. In 2022, at the request of the 558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC, the official of VO Mashinoimport JSC indicated that, given the current situation, it was extremely difficult or even impossible to purchase equipment manufactured in Great Britain. At the same time, the organization tried to select similar equipment provided by other suppliers in accordance with its characteristics close to the required equipment. The possibility of supplying alternative equipment made in Taiwan was considered. This supplier produced European-level machines and worked with Russia. The manufacturer specialized exclusively in grinding machines. 

You can watch the presentation video made by the manufacturer:

At the same time, the Republic of Belarus has been trying to resolve the issue of substitution of imports from the West since 2020. 

In order to fulfill the instructions of the Head of State, taking into account the current situation in foreign markets, the most important task is to ensure a reduction in dependence on materials and components of foreign production and the effective use of domestic components and land base, as well as adding up the import intensity of goods (works, services) produced by organizations through:

  • orientation on the mandatory use of domestic component materials that are certified according to international quality standards and approved for use in the production of military products when performing R&D;
  • usage of components of our own production when repairing weapons and military equipment, as well as mastering the repair of components and assemblies.
  • To implement these tasks, the State Authority for Military Industry of the Republic of Belarus (SAMI) is developing an import substitution program for 2021-2023 in the following areas:
  • development and production of new models of military equipment, as well as components and electronic components to replace imported ones, including those purchased in the Russian Federation, both at the organization’s own production facilities and specialized enterprises of the Republic of Belarus. The repair organizations should develop repair documentation, mastering the repair of individual parts and assemblies on their own instead of importing services;
  • diversification of supplies and search for alternative suppliers;
  • the transition from import substitution to import advance, a reasonable approach, and the economic feasibility of the development and production of import-substituting products. It is important not just to replace imports but to create a product that is in demand on the foreign market.
  • performance of work on the localization of individual weapons.
  • It should also be noted that when SAMI approves the specifications for carrying out R&D for the development of new products (section “Requirements for raw materials and components”), it will significantly reduce the possibility of using imported components and raw materials.
  • Taking into account the tasks of creating import-substituting products, I ask you to work out and submit to the State Military Industry Committee specific information on the possibility of developing the necessary components and electronic component base, including the development of new types of repairs, as well as proposals for the manufacture of components and assemblies at specialized enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, by the enterprise in cooperation with other enterprises and organizing production both on its own premises and with partners.

Suggested areas for consideration:

  • 558 Aircraft Repair Plant OJSC: mastering the repair of units and on-board components of generation 4+ and 4++ aircraft, as well as increasing the production of spare parts and technical equipment;
  • Orsha Aircraft Repair Plant OJSC: overhaul of engines, gearboxes, and units; production of units;
  • 140 Repair Plant OJSC: expanding the range of import-substituting products for the repair of armored vehicles; performing work on the repair of stabilizers and surveillance devices;
  • 2566 Radio-Electronic Armament Repair Plant JSC: production of microassemblies, klystrons, filters, blocks, electrical components, and cables;
  • Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant OJSC: production of import-substituting products for the automotive industry and working with related organizations on import substitution (car tires, automatic tire pressure control systems, components of a control system for vehicle systems);
  • Design Bureau Display OJSC: production of microcircuits, boards, electrical components, LCD panels, cables, and equipment repair work;
  • AGAT-Control Systems OJSC: development and production of communications, switching, and data transmission equipment, including communication equipment, microcircuits, filters, electrical components, antennas, routers, and robotic systems;
  • Agat Electromechanical Plant OJSC: production of microcircuits, filters, blocks, electrical components, filtering and ventilation unit cables, and power supplies;
  • Radio Equipment OJSC: production of lithium batteries, boards, receivers, amplifiers, filters, antennas, and electrical components;
  • Peleng OJSC: production of sensors, cameras, remote controls, and units;
  • Design Bureau Radar OJSC: development of hardware systems, platforms, antenna rotating devices, masts, blocks, and filters;
  • VOLATAVTO JSC: production of hydraulic equipment, slewing bearings, filtering and ventilation units, and power supplies;
  • BSVT-NT LLC: development and production of components for small arms and ammunition, electrical-to-optical converters.

Considering the special importance of the ongoing activities at the state level, I ask you to work out all possible proposals both with organizations in the defense sector of the economy and with other potential developers (manufacturers) of the Republic of Belarus. The result of the work should be specific, signed agreements on joint work.

The results of this work, and especially their absence, will be taken into account when SAMI considers materials on financial incentives for heads of organizations and the assessment of their activities by supervisory boards. Every year, the list of issues considered by the board of SAMI will include consideration of the organizations’ implementation of import substitution work.

Please submit information no later than June 12, 2020, in Word and Pdf formats to email [email protected] in the form according to the application.

The draft program will be considered at a meeting of SAMI in July 2020.

Appendix: on 1 sheet in 1 copy.

Deputy Head                                                   D.A. Pantus

The 558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC in Orsha is already working hard to supply aircraft plants in the Russian Federation by repairing power units and gearboxes. Once here, near Orsha, five centuries ago, Belarusians, Ukrainians, and Poles completely defeated the Muscovite forces. Have Belarusians forgotten who their real friend is?! Let’s go back to the 558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC. 

 The Russian military-industrial complex expects the enterprise in Baranovichi to operate for an extended period.  The enterprise in Baranovichi has issued certificates for repair and assembly work on aircraft, and has constructed new workshop buildings for assembling SU-30 aircraft and repairing MI-8 (MI-17) helicopters of various modifications.

Service memo

01/24/2020, No. 16

On transportation of property by An-12 aircraft,

intended for the assembly of Su-30K aircraft

(region 220)

I ask you to develop and submit a scheme for transporting equipment intended for the assembly of Su-30K aircraft by An-12 aircraft by January 31, 2020. 

To the chief engineer of Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, JSC Solomin S.V.

670009, Russia, Ulan-Ude, St. . Khorinskaya, 1

fax: +7(3012) 25 21 47

tel. +7(3012) 25 33 86, 48 03 95

Dear Sergei Vladimirovich!

Based on the results of the study, the possibility of manufacturing the following components for a Mi-171 helicopter by the 558 Aircraft Repair Plant JSC was determined:

  1. Pump 8AMT—5650—310Sb;
  2. Hydraulic cylinder 171A-5103-550Sb;
  3. Hydraulic cylinder 486.5320.Z80Sb;
  4. Hydraulic cylinder 486.5320.bl0Sb.

For the purpose of production planning, please notify us of the approximate volumes (needs) of this product range.


Acting Chief Engineer

E.E. Dombrovsky

Moreover, the company tests and installs a wide range of aircraft components, including flight recorders. Then, the Russian Aerospace Forces use this equipment, fighter aircraft, and utility helicopters to strike Ukrainian cities, towns, and villages, bomb and destroy peaceful cities, wiping them off the face of the earth and turning them into construction waste in the middle of the Ukrainian steppe, murdering Ukrainians, not only Ukraine’s defense forces but also peaceful civilians.

Among other things, the remains of innocent Ukrainian civilians, including children, old people, and women, lie under this construction waste due to the “peaceful” work of Belarusians at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Republic of Belarus.

Belarusians should think about the real consequences of producing killing machines for the Russian Federation. After all, it is still believed that there is a state of Belarus with its own flag, anthem, armed forces, national currency, and president, and that there are external attributes of an independent country.

However, in reality, the Republic of Belarus no longer exists. Unfortunately, Belarus has practically lost its sovereignty and is now just a part of the Western Federal District of the Russian Federation.

How did this happen? Belarusians are a very obedient, peaceful European people who allowed one person to usurp power. Having come to power, he said that these people could not live on their own and pulled them into the “union,” in fact, into absorption by Russia. Subsequently, he gradually consolidated power, dismantled national institutions, suppressed national identity whenever possible, and handed over his entire country to the Kremlin.

However, an average Belarusian still did not understand how Belarus had turned into a colony of Russia, just as Belarusians did not understand how they had become accomplices to the crimes of the state, not only giving up their land for attack but also working at enterprises of the United Defense Industry. 

Moreover, according to the list of elements of crimes outlined in international law, these people belong precisely to the category of persons who are accomplices to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, having the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group through murdering persons of another national group. Furthermore, Belarusians directly facilitate the perpetrators of the crime of murder against humanity.

Let’s remember the Nuremberg Tribunal against the “elite” of Nazi Germany. Even the highest officials of the Third Reich sincerely did not understand what their guilt was. However, all of them nevertheless contributed to the creation, development, and exploitation of the Nazi war machine. However, the leaders faced convictions for actively participating in crimes against humanity, such as committing genocide against entire peoples, engaging in mass robberies, carrying out murders, and conducting experiments on people.

The grandchildren of the Nazis finally repented and comprehended the extent of the mistakes made by the nation under the leadership of the Fuhrer. They realized the responsibility of their people for participating in these crimes. 

They elected their leadership and provided overwhelming support, deceived by the lies of politicians and acting as accomplices in these crimes without interfering in their leader’s policies or repelling the internal invaders of their land. It seems that Belarusians do not realize whose side they are on now.

Belarusians should not experience the fate of the population of Nazi Germany by supplying the Russian Federation with needed materials. They should not support the Russian beast, which is constantly at war and does not know how to live peacefully. 

However, it seems that Belarusians love their mustachioed dictator so much that they are ready to tolerate him, forget their roots, go to an international UN tribunal for him, and sit in the dock, sharing responsibility for war crimes, the theft of Ukrainian children, crimes against humanity, and genocide. Belarusians are willingly treading the path to hell.

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