The Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation has identified a number of anti-Ukrainian Facebook pages in Poland and named the narratives they promote. They are aimed at stirring up hostility between Ukrainians and Poles based on differences in views on painful historical events.
“The Center has identified a number of Facebook pages that contain fakes, disinformation, manipulations, and various conspiracy theories that discredit Ukraine and Ukrainians and cultivate hatred of Ukrainians among Poles,” the report said.
Among the largest such pages are Ukrainiec nie jest moim bratem (Translation: Ukrainian is not my brother), Marsz Niepodległości (March of independence), Wrealu24 (In reality 24), and others. Analysts also identified the main narratives promoted through these communities, including the following:
- Ukrainians are the eternal enemies of Poles.
- Ukrainian refugees behave like invaders; Poland becomes a Ukrainian colony;
- Poles are becoming “second-class citizens” in their own country.
- Poland is undergoing the process of “Ukrainization” and “Banderization.”
- Poland should cease providing military assistance to Ukraine.
- The economic crisis in Poland is escalating because of aid to Ukraine.
- Assistance to Ukraine could draw Poland into a war.
Also, narratives similar to the Kremlin’s are present on the fan pages of some Polish right-wing politicians. For example, anti-Ukrainian narratives are very common on the page of Grzegorz Brown, a member of the Confederation party.
There are publications under the slogans “Stop Ukrainianization of Poland” and “Stop Banderization of Poland.” Anti-Ukrainian actions and press conferences are covered there,” the Center added.
About 20 million people in Poland are Facebook users. This social network is one of the main platforms in the country where pro-Russian narratives are spread, according to Ukrainian experts in combating disinformation.