The United States has announced new sanctions that hit the Russian oil refining industry; the restrictions include Russian oil giants Gazprom Neft and Surgutneftegaz.
The US Treasury Department’s press service reported this. As noted by the US Treasury, they are taking large-scale measures to fulfill the G7 commitments to reduce Russian energy revenues.
Sanctions have also been imposed on an unprecedented number of oil tankers, many of which are part of the “shadow fleet,” non-transparent traders of Russian oil, Russian oilfield service providers, and Russian energy officials.
“The United States is taking sweeping action against Russia’s key source of revenue to fund its brutal and illegal war against Ukraine,” said Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen. “This action builds on, and strengthens, our focus since the beginning of the war on disrupting the Kremlin’s energy revenues, including through the G7+ price cap launched in 2022. With today’s actions, we are ratcheting up the sanctions risk associated with Russia’s oil trade, including shipping and financial facilitation in support of Russia’s oil exports.”
The State Department is also taking steps to reduce Russia’s energy revenues by blocking two active liquefied natural gas projects and a major Russian oil project.
US Department of State is also imposing sanctions on numerous Russian oilfield services providers and senior officials of the state-owned Rosatom Corporation.
In addition to Gazprom Neft and Surgutneftegaz, the United States has designated more than two dozen subsidiaries of these companies. All companies directly or indirectly owned by Gazprom Neft, Surgutneftegaz, or their subsidiaries by 50 percent or more are also subject to the restrictions.
Gazprom Neft Subsidiaries
- Gapzromneft Moscow Refinery Joint Stock Company operates an oil refinery.
- Gazprom Neft Shelf Limited Liability Company produces oil.
- Gazpromneft Aero Joint Stock Company is a leading supplier of jet fuel.
- Gazpromneft Bitumen Materials Limited Liability Company produces and sells petroleum products, particularly the petroleum-based hydrocarbon bitumen.
- Gazpromneft Khantos Limited Liability Company produces oil.
- Gazpromneft Lubricants Ltd produces and sells petroleum products such as oils, lubricants, and technical fluids.
- Gazpromneft Noyabrsk Oil and Gas Joint Stock Company produces oil.
- Gazpromneft Omsk Refinery Joint Stock Company operates an oil refinery.
- Gazpromneft Orenburg Limited Liability Company produces oil.
- Gazpromneft Technological Partnerships Limited Liability Company provides scientific and engineering services for customers engaged in the exploration and extraction of hard-to-recover reserves and projects related to chemical methods for enhancing oil recovery.
- Gazpromneft Vostok LLC produces oil.
- Gazpromneft Yamal Limited Liability Company refines oil.
- Gazpromneft Zapolyarye Limited Liability Company extracts oil from the Chadyanda oil and gas condensate field, one of the largest in Eastern Russia.
- Limited Liability Company Gazpromneft Regional Sales sells and stores oil and oil products.
Surgutneftegas Subsidiaries
- Kaliningradnefteprodukt OOO sells automotive fuel.
- KINEF OOO operates an oil refinery.
- Kirishiavtovservis AO sells automotive fuel.
- Lengiproneftekhim OOO designs and provides equipment for the construction and reconstruction of oil and gas condensate processing units.
- Novgorodproduct OOO sells automotive fuel and manages oil depots.
- Pskovnefteprodukt OOO sells automotive fuel.
- SO Tvernefteprodukt OOO sells automotive fuel.
The sanctions affect 183 vessels, mostly oil tankers that are part of the so-called “shadow fleet” and oil tankers owned by Russian fleet operators. Several of the sanctioned vessels were carrying not only Russian oil, but also sanctioned Iranian oil.
- Russia-flagged supply vessel Aleksey Chirikov (IMO 9613551)
- Russia-flagged products tanker Alexander Beggrov (IMO 9876373)
- Russia-flagged products tanker Alexey Bogolyubov (IMO 9876361)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Aria (IMO 9397559)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Ariadne (IMO 9397547)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Bolero (IMO 9412335)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Callisto (IMO 9299692)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Captain Kostichev (IMO 9301392)
- Panama-flagged LNG carrier Christophe De Margerie (IMO 9737187)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Diamond (IMO 9385142)
- Russia-flagged passenger vessel Fedor Ushakov (IMO 9753739)
- Russia-flagged tug Gennadiy Nevelskoy (IMO 9742120)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Jupiter (IMO 9397535)
- Russia-flagged products tanker Ivan Aivazovsky (IMO 9876359)
- Russia-flagged products tanker Kapitan Gotsky (IMO 9372559)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Kirill Lavrov (IMO 9333682)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Leo (IMO 9412347)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Liberty (IMO 9339325)
- Russia-flagged products tanker Mikhail Lazarev (IMO 9837547)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Mikhail Ulyanov (IMO 9333670)
- Gabon-flagged crude oil tanker Moskovsky Prospect (IMO 9511521)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Nikolay Zadornov (IMO 9901037)
- Gabon-flagged chemical/oil tanker NS Pride (IMO 9322956)
- Panama-flagged chemical/oil tanker NS Silver (IMO 9309576)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Okeansky Prospect (IMO 9866380)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Pathfinder (IMO 9577094)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Pavel Chernysh (IMO 9301380)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Premier (IMO 9577082)
- Barbados-flagged LNG carrier Pskov (IMO 9630028)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Rigel (IMO 9511533)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Saga (IMO 9318553)
- Russia-flagged supply vessel SCF Endeavour (IMO 9335678)
- Russia-flagged supply vessel SCF Endurance (IMO 9335680)
- Russia-flagged icebreaker SCF Enterprise (IMO 9335692)
- Russia-flagged supply vessel SCF Sakhalin (IMO 9307724)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Serenade (IMO 9318541)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Shturman Albanov (IMO 9752084)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Shturman Malygin (IMO 9752096)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Shturman Ovtsyn (IMO 9752101)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Sirius (IMO 9422445)
- Russia-flagged supply vessel Stepan Makarov (IMO 9753727)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Success (IMO 9333436)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Talisman (IMO 9292060)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Tango (IMO 9292058)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Timofey Guzhenko (IMO 9372561)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Topaz (IMO 9292034)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Triumph (IMO 9344033)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Trust (IMO 9382798)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Universal (IMO 9384306)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Vasily Dinkov (IMO 9372547)
- Barbados-flagged LNG carrier Velikiy Novgorod (IMO 9630004)
- Panama-flagged products tanker Victor Konetsky (IMO 9301421)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Viktor Titov (IMO 9301407)
- Russia-flagged supply vessel Vitus Bering (IMO 9613549)
- Russia-flagged LNG carrier Vostochny Prospect (IMO 9866392)
- Russia-flagged research Vyacheslav Tikhonov (IMO 9538115)
- Russia-flagged supply vessel Yevgeny Primakov (IMO 9753741)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Zaliv Amerika (IMO 9354301)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Zaliv Amurskiy (IMO 9354313)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Zaliv Aniva (IMO 9418494)
- Panama-flagged products tanker Zaliv Baikal (IMO 9360128)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Zaliv Vostok (IMO 9360130)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Zenith (IMO 9610781)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Hyperion (IMO 9322968)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Pegasus (IMO 9276028)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Proxima (IMO 9329655)
- Barbados-flagged chemical/oil tanker Symphony (IMO 9309588)
- Barbados-flagged products tanker Atlas (IMO 9413573)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Capella (IMO 9341079)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Cassiopeia (IMO 9341081)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Galaxy (IMO 9826902)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Legacy (IMO 9339337)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Vanguard (IMO 9311622)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Vladimir Arsenyev (IMO 9901025)
- Barbados-flagged crude oil tanker Voyager (IMO 9843560)
- Panama-flagged crude oil tanker Yuri Senkevich (IMO 9301419)
Russian Owned Crude Oil Tankers
Russia-based fleet and bunker operator Gazpromneft Marine Bunker Limited Liability Company (Gazpromneft Marine Bunker), a Gazprom Neft subsidiary, is involved in the delivery of bunker fuel for vessels.
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker GazpromneftZuid East (IMO 9537109)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker GazpromneftNordwest (IMO 9590137)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Omsk (IMO 9418509)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Tymen (IMO 9422653)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Olanga (IMO 9286463)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Murmansk (IMO 9167930)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Dmitry Mendeleev (IMO 9888182)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Shturman Shcherbinin (IMO 9759927)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Shturman Koshelev (IMO 9759939)
- Russia-flagged chemical/oil tanker Shturman Skuratov (IMO 9759915)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Akademik Gubkin (IMO 9842190)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Dobrynya (IMO 8730077)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Yard No. 131040 Zvezda-DSME (IMO 9842205)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Vladimir Vinogradov (IMO 9842188)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Vladimir Monomakh (IMO 9842176)
- Russia-flagged shuttle tanker Valentin Pikul (IMO 9885879)
- Russia-flagged passenger vessel Svyatoy Knyaz Vladimir (IMO 9678238)
- Russia-flagged tug RN Ussuri (IMO 9653070)
- Russia-flagged products tanker RN Sakhalin (IMO 9650016)
- Russia-flagged tug RN Amur (IMO 9653068)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Okeansky Prospect (IMO 9898254)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Nursultan Nazarbayev (IMO 9842217)
- Russia-flagged crude oil tanker Yard No. 131080 Zvezda-DSME (IMO 9908994)
Sanctions were also imposed on two Russian marine insurance providers – Ingosstrakh Insurance Company and AlfaStrakhovanie Group.
The United States has sanctioned a dozen prominent Russian energy officials and executives, including the CEOs of several Russian oil companies.
According to earlier reports, Joe Biden’s administration was considering imposing new “serious sanctions” against the Russian energy sector by the end of his term.
Earlier, Bloomberg reported that the Group of Seven countries are discussing a possible reduction in the so-called price ceiling for Russian oil transported by sea in order to limit Russia’s oil revenues.