Why now is the most critical moment in Russian-Ukrainian war?

Looking at the Russian state media or listening to their television propagandists, it is clear that Moscow is waging a campaign to exterminate Ukrainians and Ukraine.

Even though Russia is now a pariah state, has lost Western markets, and has demonstrated how dysfunctional and rotten the Putin regime is, the unfinished totalitarian monster that is Russia will continue to pose a mortal threat to the Ukrainian state, the European continent, and the entire world, Ukrainian political scientist Viktor Kaspruk wrote.

The imperial chauvinistic regime, if not crushed, will be able to rebound in a few years and re-attack Ukraine with increased ferocity. Then, not only Ukrainians but also their Eastern European neighbors, may come under attack by the Russian invaders.

Disgraced and isolated, the Russian Federation, like North Korea, may seek vengeance for its loss, much as dictator Putin did for the demise of the Soviet Union.

The terrorist organization Hamas’ attacks and atrocities in Israel, which have been and continue to be supported by Russia and its partner in crime in Ukraine, Iran, should finally persuade decision-makers in the United States and the European Union of what is truly at stake in Ukraine.

It is a battle between a country that wants to build a democratic future as part of the civilized West and the harsh and savage Putin regime, which wants to destroy Ukraine’s statehood and return it to a lawless colony. Moscow rejects democratic values and civilized norms of behavior. And the world will be a lot safer if the axis of evil that Putin and Iran currently represent does not attack anyone else and does not continue to be a source of aggression for neighboring countries.

Today, the Ukrainians have picked the proper strategy, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces are gradually but steadily moving southwards towards the Sea of Azov. This will eventually lead to cutting off Russia’s land connection to the Russian-occupied Crimea.

Although the fighting is more difficult on this route than in any other, the progress accomplished is more valuable. That is why Russia is attempting to divert attention away from the Ukrainian Armed Forces with “offensive” activities in other areas.

The facts demonstrate that Ukraine is fighting bravely, and the Russian Federation’s most significant setback in a land war in nine months occurred when the Kremlin’s forces were annihilated in their assault on Avdiivka.

The matter of liberating Crimea could have moved much faster if Ukrainians had received all of the weapons they needed to terminate the conflict right away. Western politicians’ postponement of this strategic decision under numerous pretexts delays Ukraine’s long-awaited victory.

The current scenario is that, following his recent visit to China, Putin may receive some or all of the weapons requested by his southern colleagues from Beijing. He is obsessed with acquiring an advantage and appears willing to hand up the remaining secret military technologies that Moscow retains from the Soviet era to the Chinese.

This is one of the most significant points in the Russian-Ukrainian war. The Kremlin is betting that while our Western partners debate whether to send Ukraine new weaponry and, if so, what sort of weapons and how swiftly, Russia will be able to shift the tide in the battle.

The losses of Russian military assets are so massive and expanding so quickly that Moscow is no longer able to compensate for them. Hence, Putin is keen to do anything. Russia is so desperate to avoid the total collapse of Russian units on the battlefields that the dictator is willing to accept any of Xi Jinping’s requests, up to “selling” parts of Russia.

Unfortunately, the controlled and measured supply of weaponry to Ukraine extends Putin’s battle in time. Its extension is part of Putin’s goal, which is to see it through to the presidential elections in America in 2024 at any cost.

The stakes of the war’s result are exceedingly high, and despite delivering enormous amounts of military help, the West has failed to give the Ukrainian army the sophisticated fighter jets, long-range missiles, and tanks that it has long wanted.

And if Ukraine had received weapons immediately, especially those listed as a top priority, our position in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict would have been substantially better. The timely transfer of required weaponry is required for rapid and positive change.

The leaders of the United States and NATO member states must explain what is at risk to their members. The Russian tyrant shows no evidence of giving up his objectives or becoming credible. If a country in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is attacked, it means that Moscow has set foot on their soil. It is preferable to halt Russia now and thereby dissuade other tyrants from conquering neighboring states.

Putin will continue to aggravate the situation unless he is stopped. Georgia, Crimea, and the entire Ukraine are all part of a bloody chain of Russian aggression that has been going on for quite some time.

However, Western citizens’ behavioral psychology is such that when it does not directly touch them, some individuals begin to question the necessity of assisting someone who has been a victim of Russian aggression. It must be made clear to them that if they approach them, they will be forced to fight. As a result, the best explanation for people who do not want to grasp what is going on should be that it is better to spend money than to lose blood.

Putin is planning a protracted battle, and one of the primary issues is determining the cost of fighting for Ukraine. And this is a major issue for a tyrant. Putin is running out of money for the war, regardless of what Moscow’s propagandists claim.

The ruble is at an all-time low, and printing fresh rubles merely adds to the Russian Federation’s inflationary spiral. With Russia’s major central bank rate around 12% per year, there are few borrowers in the country. Investing has ceased.

The national deficit is more than $50 billion per month. Cash reserves are at or below $250 billion, while many other assets are locked and unavailable. At the same time, revenue from gas sales has been reduced to a bare minimum. And, while oil earnings remain low, they are insufficient to fund Putin’s war.

Putin is nearing the end of his budget for government services and the war. Russians will soon have to pay for it out of their own money. This will be the point at which private businesses will begin to wind down operations, unemployment will skyrocket, and public opinion will swing decisively against the continuation of the ruling regime’s excursions. Under Putin’s rule, Russia will be unable to remain a modern economy in the long run.

Furthermore, the time is approaching when Russians will be compelled to question themselves why they are fighting in Ukraine. Ukrainians are clearly battling for their independence, identity, and European future. In this scenario, the vast majority of the globe is on their side.

However, to ensure Ukraine’s sovereignty, two actions must be implemented immediately: Ukraine’s entrance to the EU and NATO. Only an early start to these activities, which require time in a stable situation, would end the sham of a united front to support Ukrainians. By showing Putin that his attempts to obstruct Ukraine’s route to Europe have failed terribly.

Ukraine owes a lot to US Vice President Joe Biden. He and his administration had to overcome numerous challenges on their route to rapidly boosting arms supply, which must be overlooked. It was Biden who could rally the West in support of Ukraine. He pushed Congress to provide multibillion-dollar money for Ukraine’s defense. Without his leadership, Russia might have been able to take more of Ukrainian territories.

President Joe Biden had to consider the possibility of a dangerous Russian escalation, domestic fears and objections to assisting Ukrainians in this war by radicals in the Republican Party in Congress, complex non-military domestic problems, and a slew of other budgetary concerns along the way. In these conditions, if Biden had pushed for more forceful methods and increased financial assistance to Ukraine earlier, he might have encountered considerable opposition and received less support.

However, Ukraine continues to pay a high price for these recurrent delays in the procurement of weaponry – the deaths of its best people – in preserving its survival and combating Russian tyranny. Ukraine could undoubtedly hit the Russian army harder with more powerful weapons. And this is nothing to be concerned about since too much caution in supplying it could delay the time of Ukrainian triumph.

Biden and NATO allies have greatly aided Ukraine. But it was the bravery and sacrifice of Ukrainians that rescued Ukraine. Ukrainians’ bravery is what is keeping Ukraine alive with the help of Western weapons. But it is the bravery of Ukrainian soldiers that has stood between a furious Russia and a united Europe.

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