Germany holds second raid on coup d’état led by 71-year-old Prince Henry XIII

German police have searched 20 addresses as part of a coup investigation. The German Justice Minister Marco Buschmann announced this on Twitter on 22 March.

Spiegel specifies that searches were also carried out in the homes of members of the security services, namely three police officers, four reservists, and an active serviceman who is a chief petty officer in the navy.

The publication specifies that an officer of the Baden-Württemberg Special Operations Command was lightly wounded during the searches. According to Spiegel, the suspect, who is a sport shooter, was legally in possession of 22 firearms, including several pistols and shotguns. During the raid, he first barricaded himself in and then surrendered.

The raid took place in eight federal states as well as in Switzerland. The five suspects resided in Munich, Hannover, Chemnitz, and other locations, among others. In addition, searches were conducted in the homes of 14 other people who are considered witnesses in the case.

After the raid, the number of people accused of plotting a coup in Germany has risen to 61, according to the publication. Germany’s attorney general is investigating the group on suspicion of forming a terrorist organization. Investigators suspect that the group has set out to “change the existing state system in Germany”.

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