A print shop from Mariupol reopened in Lviv thanks to a grant

A print shop from the Ukrainian town of Mariupol seized and occupied by Russian troops, has resumed operations in Lviv thanks to a grant from the Danish Refugee Council.

His printing house in Mariupol burned down, and he was unable to take the equipment out. Denys Shylenko could only restore the company in Lviv with support, so he applied for a grant from DRC.

This was reported on the Facebook page of the DRC Council.

The owner says that his printing house in Mariupol burned down during Russian assault and bombardments, and he could not take the equipment out. Denys could only restore the company in Lviv with support, so he applied for a grant from the DRC.

“The grant opened up the possibility for the company to function. I bought equipment, and now I can gradually restore the business,” he says.

Denys has employed two internally displaced people and reached 60% of his pre-war profit. Now the company plans to invest in marketing and increase the number of clients, the report says.

This support has been made possible by funding from Switzerland through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, as well as the UK government.

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